Graduate Hooding Ceremony Featured Speaker Ashley Reeves
UT Wildlife Expert Connects the Dots Between Animals, Humans
Drs. Gray, Wilber, & Carter Co-author Paper on 1st GARD Conference
Boehringer Ingelheim Faculty Research Mentoring Award

The UT College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) held its annual Research Day on Monday, September 19, 2022. During the opening ceremony, Dr. Debra Miller was awarded the Boehringer Ingelheim Faculty…
Zoetis Award for Veterinary Research Excellence

The UT College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) held its annual Research Day on Monday, September 19, 2022. During the opening ceremony, Dr. Richard Gerhold was awarded the Zoetis Award for…
Why Amphibian and Reptile Health Matters, and What UT Researchers are Doing to Protect It
UT researchers receive $2.75M grant to investigate movement of amphibian pathogens in wildlife trade networks
Gamma Sigma Delta Graduate Student Award

PhD student Davis Carter received the Gamma Sigma Delta (GSD) Graduate Student Award during the GSD Spring Awards and Initiation Ceremony on April 21, 2022. This award goes to the…
Podcast: Amphibian Life History, Trade, and Emerging Diseases

Dr. Matt Gray speaks with Shane Mauss about the amazing world of amphibians, characteristics of amphibian trade, and the impacts of emerging diseases on their populations. He also talks about…