Davis Carter (PhD candidate) and Dr. Gray recently received the Dr. Frank Mutschmann Award from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde (DGHT) for their paper appearing in PLoS Pathogens. …
Davis Carter (PhD candidate) and Dr. Gray recently received the Dr. Frank Mutschmann Award from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde (DGHT) for their paper appearing in PLoS Pathogens. …
Congratulations to Drs. Anastasia Towe and BreeAnna Dell, winners of the 2022 Phi Zeta Manuscript Competition! Clinical or Applied Research Category Winner: Dr. Anastasia Towe (with Dr. Matthew Gray, Davis Carter, Dr.…
Dr. Ashley Reeves with the Center for Wildlife Health and a team of partners and researchers is investigating the potential for reintroducing wild ocelot populations to areas of Texas where…
Ashley Reeves works to improve ocelot populations through artificial insemination with sperm from a deceased male ocelot.
Congratulations to associate professor Rick Gerhold for winning the Boeringher Ingelheim Faculty Research Mentoring Award at the UT College of Veterinary Medicine’s Research Day.
Congratulations to Anastasia Towe, DVM, on winning third place in the graduate student category for her presentation at the UT College of Veterinary Medicine’s Research Day.
Two undergraduate students involved with the Center for Wildlife Health shared poster presentations at UT, Knoxville’s Discovery Day, held at Hodges Library.
Professor Matt Gray was recently a guest on the Amphibicast podcast. Tune in to hear Dr. Gray discuss the importance of clean amphibian trade!
Congratulations to Dr. Ashley Reeves on receiving first place in the people’s choice awards category during the Fourth Annual East Foundation Three Minute Thesis competition that took place Thursday, August 12, 2021, in Kingsville, Texas.